Benefits of Solar Video
To be eligible to participate in the SNAP program, a project must be 25 kW or less
Contact our 新建筑 Department at (907) 458-5870 or 电子邮件发出咔嚓声 有问题吗?
The following documents outline the SNAP connection process:
Thank You to All Our 快速的支持者!
- Northern Alaska Environmental Center
- Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
- Denali Education Center
- Fairbanks Memorial Hospital
- 莫理电
- Buffalo Center Drive-In
- Cold Climate Housing Research
- 阿拉斯加设计公司.
- Fairbanks 社区 Food Bank
- Dreamworks Cabinetry, LLC
- 香农 & 威尔逊公司.
- National Park Service
- Panguingue Creek Homeowners
- Pikes Waterfront Lodge
将太阳能? 接触GVEA
SNAP Steps to Solar Commissioning
接触GVEA’s new Construction department at (907) 458-5870 for an application packet.
Work with Contractor
Members work with their contractor to complete the forms in the application packet and submit to GVEA.
Upon receipt of an application and design, a GVEA representative will inspect the job site. GVEA will send a letter to the member with a work order number and contact information.
A GVEA engineer reviews the submitted design ensuring it follows National Electric Code.*
The member (or member’s contractor) installs the renewable generation system per the approved design. At this stage, it is not connected to GVEA and power is not flowing.
The member notifies GVEA NEW Construction that the system is ready for inspection. If it passes, GVEA will connect the system within 3 days!**
A GVEA crew installs a SNAP meter which connects the SNAP system to the grid. Congratulations, you are now an official SNAP producer!
第一阶段,第二阶段, & 5 – Applicants responsibility; ensure all documents are included in the submission.
阶段3,4,6, & 7 – GVEA responsibility; typical review time for a standard design with no errors is 5 days.
* Incomplete, incorrect, or non-standard designs can cause delays.
** If system fails inspection, the member must make required changes before requesting another inspection.
GVEA’s SNAP Program
Sustainable Natural Alternative Power
You use more electricity than you produce. Your SNAP + kWh is subtracted from the kWh you use and you are charged the standard rate plus the customer charge of $22.50. You use exactly the same amount of electricity that you produce. You would owe only the customer charge. You produce more electricity than you use. You make the SNAP+ overproduction rate on any extra kWh that you produce. This is used to pay the Customer Charge and if there is a surplus, it is placed on your account as a credit.
Your account has a credit. At the end of the SNAP year (April to March) you will receive a check for the extra kWhs that you produced.
The SNAP program also receives cash donations. SNAP producers receive a prorated share of the donations.